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Fremantle WA 6160
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  • creating great tourism experiences

19th June 2015

A toolkit for creating great tourism experiences

In 2011, the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) released EXPERIENCES, a toolkit for tourism businesses.


The toolkit was based on extensive research with travellers from around the world, who said they want to explore the unique, the exotic and the unexpected. They don’t just want to be observers but want to be engaged in experiences.

This is experience tourism, which is inherently personal, involves all of the senses, makes connections on the physical, emotional, spiritual, social or intellectual levels.

    “A tourism product is what you buy. A tourism experience is what you remember.”

The Canadian experience tourism brand – Canada – keep exploring – was created and promotes five main types of tourism experiences.

1.  Award-winning local cuisine – industries, produce, lifestyle, events
Connecting with locals – Aboriginal, unique local lifestyle, history/heritage
Vibrant cities on the edge of nature – pairing up urban environments with nature close by
Personal journeys by air, water or sea- unique single and group tours
5.  Active adventures

Help with marketing tourism experience products is provided in the kit, with operators being encouraged to first and foremost know their customer. What do they value? And what influences their choice of destination and activities?

Tourism Australia identified 7 main types of visitor experiences in its 2006 Australian Tourism Framework. Like Canada, these provide the structure for thinking about and developing tourism activities.

1.  Aboriginal Australia
Aussie Coastal Lifestyle
Australian Journeys
Australian Major Cities
5.  Food & Wine
6.  Nature in Australia
7.  Outback Australia

There are some great case studies in the Canadian toolkit. Here’s one example from Cervantes in Western Australia that we think fits the bill. The Lobster Shack has put together an experience that provides education about lobster and the industry, tours of its facilities, charter fishing, lobster pot pulling and dining. It’s a big draw card for Perth locals and travellers and they won a bronze tourism award in 2013!

Wayfound can help local government and regional tourism associations with development of integrated marketing experiences. We provide marketing and branding and infrastructure (such as websites, WiFi and signage) needed to create great experiences. Our services can help communities and tourism operators market their offer to maximum effect.