15 Phillimore St,
Fremantle WA 6160
Ph: (08) 9430 4166
destination branding

Destination Branding.

Wayfound is in the business of helping communities and destinations develop thriving tourism economies. To do this, communities need to understand and be able to articulate the brand for their place. This is especially necessary in with increasing competition and choice for visitors, social media and mass media campaigns.

What is destination branding?

A destination brand communicates clearly – what the place stands for, what it’s known for (or aspires to be known for) and how it is different to other destinations.

Branding for a place uncovers the essence of the place and communicates it in a simple, unified, understandable way so that people ‘get it’ and can relate to it. This then creates a shared understanding, allows the story to be told and ensures residents, tourism operators and local businesses know what they need to do to deliver on those promises and values.

How can Wayfound help with developing your destination brand?

Wayfound brings a wealth of brand strategy, marketing and design expertise to work with communities to develop their tourism brand.

Wayfound’s destination branding expertise
  • Research – to understand the destination’s unique tourism offer, positioning in the competitive environment, opportunities and challenges.
  • Community consultation – to understand the views of the community and to engage them in the branding process
  • Brand strategy development – articulating the vision, values, promise personality and unique tourism offer of the place
  • Design of destination brand identities, design of printed and online marketing materials, advertising and promotional campaigns, brand kits
  • Building tourism websites and online marketing
  • Management of the destination brand

Find out more about the skills and experience the Wayfound directors.