Tourism is on the agenda in Western Australia! Funding grants for regional tourism initiatives have been announced by Tourism WA.
Tourism WA has just announced the process for applying for a Competitive Grants Program under the Tourism Demand Driver Infrastructure Program (TDDI). $43.1 million can be accessed by the States over the next 4 years, with $5.063 million going to WA.
Tourism WA is now seeking Registrations of Interest (ROI) for the Competitive Grants Program Funding. Funding of $200,000 to $500,000 (on a matching funds basis) is available for projects that –
Align to one or more of the national Tourism 2020 strategic areas:
- grow demand from Asia, while maintaining investment of a balanced market portfolio;
- build competitive digital capability;
- encourage investment and implement the regulatory reform agenda;
- ensure tourism transport environment supports growth;
- increase supply of labour, skills and Aboriginal participation; and/or
- build industry resilience, productivity and quality.
The grants are for WA local or state government organisations or not-for-profit tourism industry associations/organisations to develop projects in one of the following categories.
1. Environmental – the development or enhancement of natural assets such as, but not limited to, protected and recreational areas, public spaces such as beaches, parks and walking trails;
2. Built – mixed-used facilities, exhibition, convention and events facilities, cultural institutions, entertainment and sporting facilities, city/town precincts and tourist attractions;
3. Transport – roads, rail networks, ports and airports; and
4. Enabling – Aboriginal tourism development, the development of tourism networks, plans and feasibility studies, and programs to improve industry capability and capacity.
What do you need to do?
If you have an idea for a project that could be supported under this program, you must complete an ROI application form and return it to Tourism Western Australia before 5pm (WST) Wednesday, June 17, 2015.
What can Wayfound do?
We are here to help! First of all, we can help you prepare your ROI application and project business case. We provide specialist destination planning, branding, signage, websites and mobile apps to create successful tourism experiences.
For advice about your project and the application process, so please get in touch with David Duncanson on 0419 831 129 before you submit your ROI.