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  • Passionate about great signage

22nd January 2016

We are passionate about great signage

Kim and Maryann just had 3 weeks travelling around Tasmania for the Christmas/New Year break.
It was excellent.

One thing that we always look at when visiting new places is the calibre of their signage. As visitors unfamiliar with a place, we know good wayfinding makes for a much more enjoyable visit. Interpretive signage helps to really bring the place alive and to create a great experience.

Like the design weirdo’s we are, we take photos, look at how the information is presented, the materials, the construction, the branding, how the whole system works together.

Here are some examples of signage systems in Tasmania that we really like and think work well.

Hobart – City Wayfinding

Hobart has a system which is clear, simple, flexible and well located.


Port Arthur Historic Site – Interpretation & Wayfinding

This system fits well in the environment, is interesting, simple, legible and well-branded.


Stanley Heritage Walk – Interpretative signs

These signs are simple and legible. They use old photos and text to tell the history at each stop. Most signage inlcudes QR codes, that link to a website for more information.


Cradle Mountain Walk – Interactive signage

This interactive sign below features at a popular and stunning lookout on the Cradle Mountain Walk. The simple steps on the sign ask passers by to place their cameras in the bracket on top of the sign and take a photo of the view to later share on instagram. The result is the same view but documents different weather patterns, changing scenery and wildlife. Have a look at the results here #cradle365.
