On 14 November 2016, Tourism Council WA CEO Evan Hall announced its priority for the 2017 State Government. They are calling for an additional $20 million investment in destination branding, marketing and events.
“Western Australia invests the lowest proportion of its economy in destination marketing and events of any state government. We are losing market share of the current boom in tourism and international education to Australia.” – According to Mr Hall
To grow the tourism economy in WA, the additional funding should be spent on:
- Major events ($10 million p.a.)
- Leisure tourism ($6 million p.a.)
- International education ($3 million p.a.)
- Business events ($1 million p.a.)
This level of investment is expected to bring an additional $407 million into the State’s economy (a 20:1 return on investment). 4,100 new jobs would also be created in Western Australia. This is vital to the WA economy, especially with the mining downturn, which has hit the State, and especially some regional areas exceptionally hard.
Kim & Maryann were lucky enough to be invited (by our Wayfound partner, David Duncanson) to the Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards Gala Dinner on 12 November 2016. It was a lively night to recognise and celebrate the best in tourism products, services and destinations throughout the State.
These are exciting times with tourism being recognised as a key plank for the WA economy for now and into the future. With more money expected to be invested, it is an ideal time for state, local and regional government along with tourism organisations to start planning for new products, services and events that will showcase the best of WA.
Feel free to make contact with Kim, Maryann or David if you would like help with thinking about any new tourism initiatives. We can assist with feasibility studies, business cases, funding/grant applications, marketing, branding and all aspects of tourism signage. For more information about our services.
Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards held at Crown.