The port of Albany was a major disembarkation point for gold miners heading to the WA goldfields in the 1890’s. To reduce the time taken to get to the goldfields John Holland and a party of three other cut a more direct trail starting from Broomehill, now known as the Holland Track. This track was retraced in the 1980’s and has become an important 4WD recreation trail. Broomehill is the recognised trailhead for the John Holland Track and the Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup wanted to better recognise and celebrate this piece of Western Australian history. The Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup (SBT) engaged Wayfound to develop an interpretive centre to tell the story of the gold prospectors, the rush to the goldfields and ultimately the story of John Holland and his team as they cut this trail to Coolgardie. Wayfound also planned and developed short interpretive trail around Broomehill’s heritage buildings. Design studio and signage specialist Wayfound designed and produce Interpretive panels for the Holland Track Interpretive Centre and town heritage walk trail. Wayfound undertook community consultation, developed themes, researched and wrote content, sourced images and coordinated production and installation.