15 Phillimore St,
Fremantle WA 6160
Ph: (08) 9430 4166

Shire of Gnowangerup – Visitor Information Bays


When visitors first arrive in a town one of their first stops will be the town or shire’s visitor information bay. The impression this gives can set the tone for their whole experience of the area. Badly designed or poorly maintained visitor information bays give the impression that the locals don’t care or don’t value tourism. The Shire of Gnowangerup is made up of three towns – Gnowangerup, Ongerup and Borden. Each town has a visitor information bay all of which were faded, poorly designed and contained old and outdated information.


For this project we worked with the shires Community Development Officer to update and develop new content that was attractive to visitors and highlighted the the things to see and do within the shire. This included creating new shire maps and a map for each town showing the local services and attractions. These maps were also uploaded to the shires website.

We then worked on developing the content for the local and regional attractions linking them to the shire and town map for easy navigation. Whilst this work was taking place shire staff cleaned and repainted each visitor information bay structure and replaced and repaired visitor “I” road signs where required.


  • Three sets of visitor information bay panels