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  • How are holidays planned?

16th October 2015

How are holidays planned?

Internet search data that tourism operators and destinations can’t afford to ignore

Google recently released new research about how people use the internet to plan their holidays. This reinforces their research into micro moments, which Tangelo just wrote about in Google Smartphone Survey

How does this research relate to tourism bookings and access to visitor information?

Important insights from Google

1.  People want to plan their holidays and search for information in their leisure time when it’s convenient to them. They might be on their mobile in bed or watching TV. Or they might be using a tablet while commuting to work on public transport.

2.  81{8e6d983e74874acb387086f732b9e8bca692130348b310c73ee91b097eb7ecc6} of people start an activity on one device and finish on another. It’s common to move to a larger screen to look at information in more detail or compare different options. But, according to Google, 53{8e6d983e74874acb387086f732b9e8bca692130348b310c73ee91b097eb7ecc6} of Australians say they encounter issues when accessing websites to research for products via their phone.

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Takeaway message- A mobile-friendly website where visitors can easily find information and that gives them a good experience is a must.

That’s our message but really Google has put it so well it’s worth repeating –

“Optimize for all moments, across devices. Consumers want what they want, when they want it. That’s why it’s more important than ever to deliver a good first impression on mobile. But sometimes purchases happen over multiple devices, and consumers expect a seamless experience across them. Anticipate movement across screens en route to the sale, and implement measurement techniques to account for cross-device conversions.”