15 Phillimore St,
Fremantle WA 6160
Ph: (08) 9430 4166

Ride High Country Regional Cycling Signage Strategy (audit)

  • Tourism North East Beechworth

  • Wayfound Murray to Mountains Rail trail Signage Strategy - Rutherglen

  • Wayfound in Beechworth

  • Murray to Mountains Rail trail family ride

  • Wayfound at Smoko

  • Rail Trail signage audit

  • Wayfound Mt Buller MTB Trails map

  • Ride_High_Country_audit

  • Rail Trail signage audit

  • High country Rail Trail Wodonga

  • Great Victorian Rail Trailhead Mansfield

Tourism North East (TNE) has a clear and ambitious vision for Victoria’s High Country – “to own cycle tourism in Victoria” and position the area as Australia’s No.1 cycle tourism destination. The region already attracts over 100,000 cycle visitors a year from all cycling disciplines because of its outstanding and unique range of facilities, attractions, events and products related to cycling. These include formalised mountain bike trails, two of the longest rail trails in Victoria and challenging road cycling routes.

TNE commissioned Wayfound to develop the Ride High Country Regional Cycling Signage Strategy (the Strategy). The purpose of the Strategy project is to develop a consistent approach to cycle signage in the region. This will provide a unified experience that enhances the visitor experience and helps visitors to navigate smoothly, safely and easily around the region. The signs will also help to raise awareness of the cycling resources and facilities available throughout the region.

Wayfound made 3 trips to North Eastern Victoria. During this time we met with cycle tourism related stakeholders, conducted an on line survey and audited all cycling related infrastructure in the region including MTB Hubs, Rail Trails and Road Riding including 5 of the iconic 7 Peaks road climbs.

From this information Wayfound developed the Strategy and Signage Style Guide.

Upon the success of our successful Ride High Country Campaign it was determined that our current cycle signage was not adequate or at the level expected from a cycle friendly region that includes five Local Government Areas and three Alpine Resorts. We wanted a comprehensive signage strategy and style guide that would provide uniform information in the correct format in the right locations providing information to Road Cyclists, Mountain Bikers, Gravel Grinders and Recreational Riders.

Wayfound were engaged to complete this task which included community engagement, site visits and a comprehensive report. Wayfound’s sound understanding of wayfinding and tourism principles has provided us with a clear understanding of both our signage inadequacies and opportunities to consolidate and use more appropriate symbols and information. The style guide was novel and aligned with our existing colour palettes and branding to allow for a seamless integration at minimal cost.

Kim and the team from Wayfound are some of the most personable consultants I have ever worked with and would highly recommend them to deliver your visitor information and tourism signage project.

Eddie Wilson
Industry and Product Development Manager, Tourism North East (VIC)