15 Phillimore St,
Fremantle WA 6160
Ph: (08) 9430 4166

Mildura Rural City Council – All of Region Tourism Signage Strategy

  • tourism signage audit and strategy

  • tourism signage audit and strategy

  • tourism signage audit and strategy

  • tourism signage audit and strategy

  • tourism signage audit and strategy

  • tourism signage audit and strategy

  • tourism signage audit and strategy

  • tourism signage audit and strategy

  • tourism signage audit and strategy

  • tourism signage audit and strategy

Mildura Rural City Council commissioned tourism signage consultancy Wayfound to develop a whole of destination integrated tourism wayfinding and signage strategy. The purpose of the Strategy is to ensure that current and future signage facilitates safe and positive journeys and enhances the dispersal of visitors and their connection with the people and the places of Mildura Region. 

The strategy was delivered in the following stages; 

  1. Pre-visit research and project planning. 
  2. Entire MRCC tourism signage audit and stakeholder engagement. 
  3. Benchmarked MRCC against other regional LGA’s. 
  4. Development and delivery of the completed signage strategy. 

Mildura Rural City Council is located in the north west corner of Victoria and borders both South Australia and New South Wales. It is the main crossroad for most visitors travelling between these three states. MRCC recognises the value of the tourism sector with tourism contributing $308 million to the local economy. The existing tourism related signage in the Mildura Region did not enhance the visitor experience or adequately direct visitors to the area’s many attractions.

Tourism signage is an extremely important element of any destination’s branding, marketing and visitor information strategies. Signage is critically important to presenting a consistent tourism experience and to retaining and dispersing visitors throughout the Mildura Region. Signage also provides opportunities to raise awareness of the area’s attractions and features and encourage people to stop and visit.

Having recently partnered with Wayfound to deliver an ‘all of region’ tourism and wayfinding signage audit and recommendations exercise, we are now in a great position to make considered improvements to our signage provision throughout the Mildura LGA for our residents and visitors. Working with Kim and the team has been extremely valuable, and have found them to be professional and knowledgeable in their approach. Highly recommend getting Wayfound on board to help assess the current and future opportunities for signage in your region!

Mike Wall – Economic Projects & Events Officer