15 Phillimore St,
Fremantle WA 6160
Ph: (08) 9430 4166

City of Armadale – Pedestrian Wayfinding

  • City of Armadale - Pedestrian Wayfinding signs

  • City of Armadale - Pedestrian Wayfinding signs

  • City of Armadale - Pedestrian Wayfinding signs

  • City of Armadale - Pedestrian Wayfinding signs


The City of Armadale was identified as a redevelopment area by the Western Australian Government’s Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority. Armadale is one of WA’s fastest growing regional centres. It is only 28k’s from the Perth CBD and ripe for revitalisation.

Part of the redevelopment opportunity aims at creating a more vibrant and attractive CBD and help Armadale to position itself as a place to live, work, do business and visit. One area identified as lacking was walkability and pedestrian wayfinding in and around the CBD. Improving this could help raise awareness of the services/attractions in the area, better link areas, and attract and retain people in the CBD where the will spend money at local businesses.


Wayfound worked with the City of Armadale on a staged process including:

  1. an audit and strategy for the wayfinding signage in the CBD – including identifying and mapping all signage requirements, circulation routes, destinations and landmarks.
  2. designing a system of signs and planning their location and message requirements.
  3. creating a suite of maps with all relevant facilities and services documented
  4. creating the artwork and signage specifications for fabrication.
  5. assisting the city with tendering for signage installation to ensure


  • Wayfinding signage audit and planning
  • Wayfinding maps
  • Signage system design and artwork
  • Signage fabrication specifications