The Ardyaloon Community (One Arm Point) on the Dampier Peninsula operates the Ardyaloon Trochus Shell Hatchery. The hatchery has successfully restocked juvenile trochus, supporting commercial fishing for the Community and sales to the Australian aquarium industry. The hatchery employs local people and provides aquaculture and tourism training to school students and community members. In 2021, sealing of the road from Broome to the Dampier Peninsula will be completed and this is expected to result in an increase of visitors to the Peninsula. To support the Trochus Shell Hatchery’s tourism offer, the Community is develop two walk trails.
Tourism WA, in partnership with Ardyaloon (Inc.)selected Wayfound to undertake the consultation, research, content writing and graphic design for new interpretive and directional signage at the Hatchery precinct and along the trails.
The signage tells the stories of the history and culture of Ardyaloon and its people, based on the following themes: • Culture (Aboriginal traditions, stories, knowledge) • History (pre and post European settlement) • Nature (plants and animals, geographical features)
Fo this project we called in historian Dr Sue Graham-Taylor to undertake the community consultation, research and content writing. Once the content was approved by the community we began designing the interpretive panels. One of the challenges with this project was to find a way to install the interpretive without interrupting the view from coastline vista. To achieve this the interpretive panels will be mounted on concrete plinths.
The project is on hold for now awaiting funding for completion of the trail pathway. Once the trail forming is completed signs will be produced and installed at the stopping points along the trail.